Disaster Nursing Development of a Center of Excellence for Disaster Nursing in a Ubiquitous Society Information Base for Disaster Nursing Knowledge and Skills to Protect Lives
- So as not to forget that fateful day -
University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Nursing
The 21st Century Center of Excellence Program
Useful Manual:Elderly
For disaster preparedness phase For emergency phase For recovery restoration phase


Temporary toilets in shelters are difficult for elderly evacuees to use. As a result they may drink less water, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, having to walk a long distance to toilets and any differences in the levels of the toilet may increase the risk of falls. Support is necessary to avoid possible problems.

The following may be inappropriate for the elderly

* A long distance to the toilet, differences in level of the toilet


Dimly toilets


Difficulty to flush using a bucket of water


1. Water intake, food intake, excretion state, body temperature, and loss of body fluid

2. ADL in toileting

3. Location, facilities and environment of the toilet in the shelter


Coping methods

1. Determine whether institutions can supply the elderly with appropriate toilets

1. Set up western-style toilets (use of portable toilets.

2. Set up toilets near the place of residence

3. Eliminate differences in level and improve lighting in toilets

2. Support in toileting

1. Evaluate and practice methods for helping elderly requiring assistance in toileting

2. Take elderly requiring assistance to the toilet regularly, if necessary
(be sure others, such as family members, help with regular toileting.

3. Prevent dehydration and provide early intervene

1. Explain necessity for water intake and help supply water

2. Provide medical treatment for dehydration as directed by a physician, and evaluate whether elderly evacuees would benefit from admission to an appropriate medical institution

Information Base for Disaster Nursing Knowledge and Skills to Protect Lives
Useful manuals
Disaster phase
Useful manuals Elderly
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